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These services are: grinding, scarifying, scabbling, milling, etching, coating removal, and shot blasting. Each service utilizes a different type of machine, process and abrasives to accomplish the task.
Depending on the desired result, the different services each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Concrete grinding and our other similar services provide a solution to what can be a very dangerous problem. Our grinding services remove trip hazards which can be extremely dangerous.
Our concrete grinding services are performed by our staff who are highly experienced with the various types of grinding methods. SABER's goal is to provide the correct solution for your situation. In addition to are services, If you are a contractor looking to purchase grinding equipment, click here for information about our equipment sales. To receive more information about concrete grinding services and get a quote, click here to contact us.
Concrete grinding is just about the only solution for dealing with uneven concrete surfaces, such as grout build up, humps in the floor and uneven pours. The process can be used both indoors (with proper dust control equipment) and outdoors. Often, the only other alternative is costly removal and replacement. Equipment selection is extremely important when grinding uneven concrete floors. Our grinding can solve many different problems such as: humps in floors, grout build up, uneven floors, water flow, and raised cracks.
The size of equipment and cutter selection can make the difference between a cost effective job. Pricing for removing high or uneven concrete is usually quote by square foot, or by how much cubic inches of concrete will be removed. Prices will range widely depending on the scope of job and the amount of concrete to be removed/ground. Our coating removal services are performed by our staff who are highly experienced with the process. To receive more information about coating removal services and get a quote, click here to contact us.
Coating removal is exactly that: removing any type of coating from the surface of concrete. Those coating may be thick, such as thermoplastic paint lines or thin such as a single later paint. Depending on the type of equipment and abrasives used, the concrete surface with have a light, medium or heavy etch after the coating has been removed.
Coating removal is almost always quoted by the square foot and prices vary according to the size of the project and the type of coating being removed. Our coating removal services are performed by our staff who are highly experienced with the process. To receive more information about coating removal services and get a quote, click here to contact us.
Concrete surfaces are prepared prior to concrete being resurfaced to look like plain concrete again or to be upgraded to a decorative finish. Today polymers can be applied as thin as 1/8" to 1/4" thick and stamped, producing a surface that looks just like a normal stamped concrete surface. Surfaces are also prepared prior to various floor-coating installations in Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional applications.
Most job specifications for surface preparation state the surface should be "sound, free from surface defects dry, and clean." Each of these terms is subjective, so it is important that the job specifications, the coatings or overlay specifications, and the expectations of the architect and/ or project engineer are in alignment.
Expect your quote to be priced by the square foot depending on how you want your final surface to be (light, medium, heavy etch). To receive more information about concrete grinding services and get a quote, click here to contact us.
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Concrete grinding is a generic term describing several types of services. All of SABER's grinding services are quick, permanent, and cost effective.
These services are: grinding, scarifying, scabbling, milling, etching, coating removal, and shot blasting. Each service utilizes a different type of machine, process and abrasives to accomplish the task.
Depending on the desired result, the different services each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Concrete grinding and our other similar services provide a solution to what can be a very dangerous problem. Our grinding services remove trip hazards which can be extremely dangerous.
Our concrete grinding services are performed by our staff who are highly experienced with the various types of grinding methods. SABER's goal is to provide the correct solution for your situation. In addition to are services, If you are a contractor looking to purchase grinding equipment, click here for information about our equipment sales. To receive more information about concrete grinding services and get a quote, click here to contact us.
Concrete grinding is an ideal solution for the on-going maintenance and repair of sidewalk trip hazards. Not only is it much less expensive than traditional replacement, it is permanent and if done correctly, looks pleasing. Grinding is often the best solution to
trip hazards. Many believe that replacing the side walk is the only way to fix the problem; however, it is simply not the case. Grinding the trip hazard takes advantage of the slabs most likely years of settlement. A newly poured slab can soon be another trip hazard. In most cases, sidewalks misaligned up to 2 inches can be ground back down eliminating the dangerous trip hazard. Grinding any more than that weakens sidewalk slabs. Concrete grinding can look terrible if performed by an unexperienced equipment operator. Every grind should be uniform in appearance with a straight back line and few, if any, scars on the adjacent slab. To receive more information about concrete grinding services and get a quote, click here to contact us.